Cabinet Minutes: 12th November 2012


Cabinet Minutes: 12th November 2012
Call-in of Key Decision CE12/13-18 Delivery of Streetscape and Parking Maintenance Activities

Following the call-in of the decision made by the Cabinet at its meeting on 17 September 2012 the Environment and Prosperity Scrutiny Committee had considered the matter and, at its meeting on 1 November, offered the advice “That Cabinet be recommended to defer the decision until a full report had been received from the relevant Policy Development Committee”.  

A copy of the minute from that meeting was circulated detailing the ongoing concerns of the Committee.
The Portfolio Holder for Environment and the Leader of the Council confirmed that Cabinet had considered the feedback and recommendation from the Scrutiny Committee and that the earlier recommendation of Cabinet in respect of the Streetscape Contract would now be deferred to allow time for further study by the relevant Policy Development Committee; the second part of the earlier recommendation in respect of Parking Maintenance Activities would, however, be acted upon.

That the decision of Cabinet on 17 September 2012 in respect of the inclusion of Streetscape activities in the Highways Services Contract be deferred in order to allow time for the matter to be considered by the relevant Policy Development Committee, but that the part of the decision relating to Parking Maintenance be proceeded with.


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