Cabinet Minutes: 15/10/13
18/11/2013Cabinet Minutes: 15/10/13
Future Delivery Model for Bereavement Services
Cabinet considered a report seeking approval to progress with the registration of a wholly owned company limited by shares to act as the Council’s agent in managing the provision of Bereavement Services.
The catalyst for change was driven by the need to invest in buildings and services and to improve the quality of the service for local residents. This would ensure that services remained sustainable and able to provide high quality services in a dignified and sensitive manner for local residents
1. the formation of a new wholly-owned company limited by shares, benefiting from the Teckal exemption principles as the future management model for delivery of Bereavement Services, be approved;
2. delegated authority be given to the Head of Environmental Protection and Enhancement, the Borough Solicitor and the Section 151 Officer (and officers that are devolved those powers) to commence the detailed implementation of the WOC, (including, but not limited to, identifying the optimum procurement route) in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Environment and subject to the corporate project quality assurance process governed by the Executive Monitoring Board (EMB) to ensure that the project is reviewed prior to any future implementation; and
3. following the outcome of the actions contained within 2 above, Cabinet be asked to agree to the establishment of a Board of Directors for the company and the Portfolio Holder for Environment work with the Leader of the Council and Chief Executive to define the appointments of the non- Executive Directors, nominating three Board Members to act as the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Director on the new Company Board of Directors.
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