Cabinet Minutes: 15/Oct/13
18/11/2013Cabinet Minutes: 15/10/13
New Environment Operating Company
Cabinet considered a report on the work that had been carried out to further define and scope out the overall Environmental Operations Change Programme and the five major project strands within it.
The transformation team had further defined the cost of investment and capital investment required to deliver the overall programme and the projects within it, these being:
A. Existing Service Efficiency Review
B. Future Service Delivery Model
C. Review of Depot Infrastructure
D. Interim Residual Waste Solutions & Longer Term Procurement
E. Strategy (which is being governed through the Policy Development Group (PDG) process and is likely to form a separate paper at a future date)
Significant progress had been made to move the transformation programme forward. A wholly-owned company had now been registered which would help to facilitate culture change, improving responsiveness and enabling a stronger focus on delivering targeted services to Cheshire East residents.
An amendment to the report was circulated at the meeting which set out the background to the inclusion of Fleet and Streetscape Services within the scope of activities of the wholly-owned company.
The report tracked progress against the various project streams and clarified the scope of the proposed alternative delivery vehicle.
That Cabinet
Programme and Project Cost of Investment
1. approves that the revenue cost of investment needed to support programme delivery this year is available from existing approved transformation budgets;
Future Service Delivery Model
2. notes and approves the findings of the options appraisal submitted to Cabinet in June 2013 and subsequent legal advice that has concluded that the most appropriate delivery model is that of a Teckal exempt, wholly-owned company limited by shares;
3. approves the defined scope which previously focused on the Waste delivery model to include:
* Waste and Recycling Management Service
* Fleet Management Service
* Streetscape Service (mechanical sweepers, grounds maintenance and street cleansing)
4. agrees that the wholly-owned company formed in June 2013 includes the defined scope and the transfer of the Waste and Recycling Management Service, the Fleet Service and the Streetscape Service with an effective operational target date of January 2014 subject to internal and external dependencies.
Depot infrastructure
5. notes and approves that
(a) further to the June 2013 Cabinet Report, depot infrastructure work is progressing;
(b) feasibility work is ongoing with a detailed scope of improvements developed for Pyms Lane that include improvements to the transfer tip along with improved welfare facilities; and
(c ) the Northern depot solution is still being developed
Replacement of Fleet
6. approves the procurement of a rolling fleet replacement programme to commence in 2014/15 which will be financed through existing revenue provision; and
7. grants delegated authority to the Head of Environmental Protection and Enhancement (SRO for the Programme), the Monitoring Officer and the Section 151 Officer to commence the detailed implementation of the Environmental Operations Change Programme, including the wholly-owned company and other project strands, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Environment.
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