Cosocius Newsletter Issue 8
26/11/2013Firstly, I’d like to apologise for not being able to attend the floor walk session this week, I was looking forward to hearing your latest views and have the chance to catch up with you all in person. However, I have been required to deal with a family compassionateissue over the past week and on that note, I offer condolences to Julie Davies who hassadly lost her father. I am told that the floor walk was successful and the Q&As are currently being written up which we will share with you early next week via ourSharePoint site – under FAQs. Our next floor walk is due to take place on Monday 18th November so I will look forward to seeing you then if not before.
I do know that the main concern for the majority of staff is around what might change from 1st April 2014. As Roz explained during the floor walks, you will transfer to CoSocius on your existing terms and conditions. After 1st April, the business may require changes to terms and conditions but there are strict legal restrictions on when and why changes can be made following a TUPE transfer. Staff would also have to be fully consulted under this legal guidance if any changes were proposed. The TUPE information letters will be with you at your home address by the end of October which will set out the transfer notification officially.
Thank you to everyone who gave us comments on the day or via the electronic survey following the staff conference, to find out how people generally feel about things. Nearly 70% feel either ‘very’ or ‘fairly well’ informed and nearly 90% feel that CoSocius is becoming a reality. I know this was echoed at the floor walks and it is good to hear that the majority of staff do feel informed about the change programme. I will ensure that any relevant information is shared with you as early as possible so you can keep asking the question ‘what does this mean for me?’
The main priorities for me currently are to establish exactly what the arrangements will be for us during the incubation period such as buying back Council services such as legal, HR and communications/marketing, developing the new operating model both for us as an organisation but also the basis on which we operate with our customers. I’m also working on the company’s business strategy and plan and will want to involve staff in developing the Values for the business over the next couple of months. I’m aware that much of this work is going on behind the scenes at the moment but if you do have
any relevant questions that are not answered in another forum, then please do feel free to contact me directly.
w/c 14 October 2013 Issue 8
The next most noticeable change you will see will be our move to Goldsmith House. John, Amy and Mel met with our Facilities colleagues there on Tuesday to look at the refurbishment requirements. There is a fair bit of work to do but we do have an ambition that there will be a move this side of Christmas. It is really important that we manage the service risk and ensure that our customers don’t even notice as we go through this change. We will be asking for volunteers to help with various tasks nearer the time including helping us to maybe organise something to celebrate the festive season – any suggestions (sensible and reasonable please, that could be done within the working day!) to Melanie Baker.
News has started to reach to a wider audience that we are officially in ‘shadow’ mode asCoSocius. There is an article in the new edition of ‘In Touch’ the CWAC staff newsletterand we were featured in last week’s ‘Team Talk’, the message to CEC staff from Mike Suarez, the Chief Executive. This also included a link to more information on Centranet – we’ve put a screen shot onto our SharePoint site for those that haven’t seen it already.
On Monday, Sharon Barclay who is our Programme Manager overseeing the change from a project management perspective, interviewed Steve Robinson to get his insight into the changes from Council service to setting up a new company. This will be available via the October ‘Talking Point’ which will be out next week.
I’d just like to take this opportunity to thank you for your hard work and commitment to delivering services to our customers especially as we go through this process, it is noticed and appreciated.
Best regards
Dominic Whelan
Managing Director
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