Notes of the TU meeting held on 8th October 2013
25/11/2013 Notes of the TU meeting held on 8th October 2013
1. Present John Callan
Alison Wolden HR
Teresa Connolly Unison
Fran Suckley Unison
Craig Nicholson Unions
Karen Begley HR
Colin Dew-Parry Unison
Olga Kokinnis Unison
2. Update on programme
The key events since last meeting were the conference which the feedback that has been restarting received went well. The various workstreams are carrying on.
Approval has been received to refurbish Goldsmith house and the target date to move everyone in before Christmas.
In Julie Davies’s area starting to shape a consultation paper on a review of payments no job losses. The revised structure drafted.
New board appointments still to be ratified by east and west . Aim to get approved by October /Nov.
Work ongoing on the oracle build and also the internet and intranet .
Another floor walk on 14th October
3. Job Swap Protocol.
Job swap advertised on both east and west intranets and received a no of applications that are being assessed .
Action: Will rail cards be provided ?
4 Tupe
Given a copy of draft tupe letter to comment on
TC raised a concern over the timing of the consultation for the payments restructure when at the same time the tupe letters would be sent out.
5 Comms
Given copy of NewSLEtter 7 that has been issued
Date of next meeting 22nd October 2013
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