Tax Refund Service: important notice from UNISONplus


Tax Refund Service: important notice from UNISONplus

The Tax Refund Service is no longer a UNISON-endorsed service and has been withdrawn from the membership benefits package

Please note that the UNISONplus Tax Refund Service is no longer a UNISON-endorsed service and has been withdrawn from the membership benefits package.

UNISON branches and regions should try to remove all ‘Tax Refund Company’ marketing material from circulation with immediate effect.

The union will review of the demand for a UNISON-endorsed tax refund service.

In the meantime, we will publicise information and guidance on undertaking a tax code check and making a tax refund claim.

UNISON would welcome feedback from members who have used the Tax Refund Service to inform the review and assess the value of a UNISON-endorsed tax refund service provider.

Please email your views to [email protected] or post them tp Sharon Mehta, UNISON Centre, 130 Euston Road, London, NW1 2AY


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